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Esteem and Empowerment

Self-esteem and Empowerment

Self-esteem speaks to a sense of confidence and satisfaction in oneself, our relationship with our self, and how we take our place in the world. Self-image is another important part of how you feel about yourself. Healthy self-esteem and self-image contribute strongly to an overall balanced self-concept.


Empowerment is about the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights. Without a healthy sense of empowerment, it is difficult to manage daily living without being exposed to the debilitating effects of the misuse (and abuse) of power.


You might need care for low esteem or empowerment if you have the following characteristics:

  • Social withdrawal

  • Depression, anxiety, and/or emotional turmoil

  • Self-neglect

  • A persistent sense of "I don’t matter"

  • Lack of social skills and self-confidence

  • Inability to accept compliments

  • Reluctance to put yourself first or anywhere

  • Lack of ability to ask for what you need (or want) in a relationship

  • Inability to see yourself  accurately  or to be fair to yourself

  • Low self-expectations

  • Exaggerated concern over what you imagine other people think

  • Eating disorders

  • Low capacity for social conformity

  • Strong bias towards the negative

  • Treating yourself badly but NOT other people

  • Allowing others to treat you badly

  • Incessantly worrying whether you have treated others badly

  • Fatigue and feeling worn down from receiving frequent bad treatment from others

  • Strong reluctance to take on challenges

  • Reluctance to trust your own opinion

  • Absence of dreams, goals, or aspirations in life


Ways that esteem and empowerment care can help you to live more fully:

  • Having a sense of purpose, passion, and direction in life.

  • Identify core beliefs that contribute to a low self-esteem.

  • Become more compassionate towards yourself.

  • Skills for listening to your own body wisdom, intuition, and core self.

  • Skills for asserting yourself (vs. passivity or aggression).

  • Ability to look at mistakes as a way of learning about self and how to lead a better life.

  • Become more assertive in relationships with others (ask for what you need and want).

  • Discover new ways to meet your own emotional and spiritual needs

  • Learn to trust your own strength and resilience.

  • Learn to advocate for yourself in relationships and work/social contexts.

  • Skills and guidelines for taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

  • Methods for developing self-respecting.

  • Ways to celebrate your own uniqueness while honoring other people's differences.

  • Tools for connecting with your authentic self and living more consciously.

  • Enhanced capacities for taking responsibility for our own life and being accountable for our behaviours and choices.

  • Tools for being able to clearly hear the inner voice, and to speak and act from our own personal convictions and core beliefs.

  • Enhances capacities for working through relationship conflict in respectful and effective ways.

  • Actively listening to other's point of view (vs. the tendency to be always right).


Spiritual Connections will help you turn low self-esteem around by identifying and healing blockages. We will help facilitate personal growth so you can excavate your courage to seek and build healthy relationships, and pursue your long held dreams and aspirations. By building a firm sense of self-worth you can begin to take on new, rewarding challenges that give you joy and satisfaction in your life.


Feeling good about your self is vitally important, as is learning to be kind towards oneself. Self-compassion is now considered to be an essential building block for self-esteem.

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